Anna X. Li

Incoming PhD Student at Princeton


Hi everyone! I’m Anna, an energy systems researcher and incoming PhD student at Princeton University. My research is focused on using optimization-based methods to guide climate and energy policy.

I graduated from Caltech in 2023 with a self-directed major in Engineering and Applied Sciences, in which I studied the chemistry behind energy technologies, as well as quantitative methods that can be applied to model energy systems.

In my undergraduate research at Caltech, I modeled how various portfolios of energy storage technologies may help reduce total costs of an energy system reliant on solar and wind energy.

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selected publications

  1. li_influence_2024.jpeg
    The Influence of Regional Geophysical Resource Variability on the Value of Single- and Multistorage Technology Portfolios
    Anna X. Li, Edgar Virgüez, Jacqueline A. Dowling, Alicia Wongel, Dominic Covelli, Tyler H. Ruggles, Natasha Reich, Nathan S. Lewis, and Ken Caldeira
    Environmental Science & Technology, Jul 2024
    Publisher: American Chemical Society