Recently published storage portfolios paper
Links to Paper and Research Brief
I’m thrilled to share my first first-author paper, titled “The Influence of Regional Geophysical Resource Variability on the Value of Single- and Multistorage Technology Portfolios”, published in ACS Environmental Science & Technology!
In this paper, we explore the value of single- and multi-storage portfolios in electricity systems reliant on solar and wind energy.
For a concise 2-page summary, see our Research Brief.
Key Findings
- Long-duration storage may also fulfill short-term power needs, as long-duration storage already requires substantial discharge power-capacity to meet long-term power needs, such as large demand spikes during weather events.
- Among all storage portfolios we analyzed for systems with abundant solar and wind energy, systems deploying underground hydrogen storage or metal-air batteries had the lowest total system costs, due to being the most cost-effective long-duration energy storage technology. This is because they had the lowest energy-capacity costs out of all storage technologies modeled (~2 $/kWh energy-capacity cost for hydrogen, and 20 $/kWh total cost and 100-h duration for metal-air batteries).
Modeling of Different Storage Technologies
- - 🔋 Lithium-ion batteries
- - 🧪 Redox flow batteries
- - 💦 Pumped hydro storage
- - 🏗️ Gravity energy storage
- - 🔥 Thermal energy storage
- - 💨 Compressed air energy storage
- - 🤘 Metal-air batteries
- - ⚗️ Underground hydrogen energy storage

Modeling of Different Geographic Regions

We then simulated the deployment of different combinations of storage technologies in solar- and wind-based electricity systems, representing several geographically diverse regions:
- The Continental U.S. (CONUS)
- California Independent System Operator (CAISO)
- Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
- ISO New England (ISO-NE)
- Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
I couldn’t have done this without my collaborators from the Climate Energy Lab at the Carnegie Institution for Science, especially my co-first authors (Edgar Virgüez and Jackie Dowling). I started this project during my junior year at Caltech with Jackie, who was my graduate student mentor at the time. I’ve learned and grown so much as a researcher throughout the process, and I want to give an extra special thanks to Jackie for giving me the hands-on and supportive mentorship that I needed to get started in the macro-scale energy modeling world. I also want to thank Edgar Virgüez, Ph.D. for putting in countless hours to push this paper through submission and reviews to the finish line.
I also want to thank my other co-authors, Alicia Wongel, Dominic Covelli, Tyler Ruggles, and Natasha Reich, for their huge contributions towards this study, especially during the review process. Additionally, I owe a special thanks to my advisors Ken Caldeira from Carnegie Science and Nate Lewis from Caltech for providing the environment that greatly contributed to my development as a researcher.
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