

  1. li_influence_2024.jpeg
    The Influence of Regional Geophysical Resource Variability on the Value of Single- and Multistorage Technology Portfolios
    Anna X. Li, Edgar Virgüez, Jacqueline A. Dowling, Alicia Wongel, Dominic Covelli, Tyler H. Ruggles, Natasha Reich, Nathan S. Lewis, and Ken Caldeira
    Environmental Science & Technology, Jul 2024
    Publisher: American Chemical Society
  2. dowling_opportunities_2024.jpeg
    Opportunities and constraints of hydrogen energy storage systems
    Jacqueline A. Dowling, Tyler Ruggles, Edgar Virgüez, Natasha D. Reich, Zachary P. Ifkovits, Steven J Davis, Anna X. Li, Kathleen Kennedy, Katherine Z. Rinaldi, Lei Duan, Ken Caldeira, and Nathan S Lewis
    Environmental Research: Energy, Jul 2024
  3. dowling_catalysis_2024.jpg
    Catalysis of the Oxygen-Evolution Reaction in 1.0 M Sulfuric Acid by Manganese Antimonate Films Synthesized via Chemical Vapor Deposition
    Jacqueline A. Dowling, Zachary P. Ifkovits, Azhar I. Carim, Jake M. Evans, Madeleine C. Swint, Alexandre Z. Ye, Matthias H. Richter, Anna X. Li, and Nathan S. Lewis
    ACS Applied Energy Materials, May 2024
    Publisher: American Chemical Society